By Derek Maneval
We are entering a season of God’s tremendous power being poured out in the earth. Through history we see various moves of God, beginning with the Book of Acts and continuing throughout different periods of time and places around the world. We have an opportunity to participate in this amazing worldwide revival if we would just position ourselves with God. I’ve had the Lord speak some very clear things to me about what is coming in the days ahead. The 1st was through a dream a few months ago. In the dream, I saw a giant laying in a bed and as it rose up quickly I rose up as well. When I awoke, the Lord said, “The sleeping giant is awakening!” I immediately felt that He was referring to the church. The Lord has pulled back the sheets on the church. There are things being exposed in the body of Christ in this time that is preparing us to get out of bed with religion, tradition, idolatry, etc.. And because of the urgency of the hour, the Lord is now jumping on the bed to get His people to move with Him to advance His kingdom. Kingdoms are colliding now in a very obvious manner. After the turn of the new year (2021), I began hearing in my spirit that we were in a “silence before the storm”. What is that? There is a storm of revival that will sweep the nation that will shake things up as well as wash things out of the land that need to be cleansed (individually and corporately). The silence is the time of waiting and preparation. 2 Timothy 2:3-4 in the Passion Translation says this: “Overcome every form of evil as a victorious soldier of Jesus the Anointed One. For every soldier called to active duty must divorce himself from the distractions of this world so that he may fully satisfy the one who chose him. A soldier will engage in basic training with a different level of intentionality when he actually believes that he is about to go to war. So positioning our hearts and lives for the days to come means believing that we are in a real spiritual conflict that demands costly choices on our part. We must learn how to genuinely abide in Christ rather than settling for a weekly church service and life of busyness with little sacrifice and less true affection for Jesus. Revival is a manifestation of God. It has the stamp of God upon it which even the unregenerate are quick to recognize. It’s not explained in terms of activity, organization, meetings or preachings. Revival brings a sudden introduction of unstoppable power and an unavoidable presence of God that brings interference, which causes “everyone to decide”. Revival does not mean “everyone is saved” although there will be many who are. The good news is this: God has armed us with strength for the battle. 2 Samuel 22:40. David slayed many Philistines by the strength of the Lord. He had 37 mighty men that helped him in those battles. We have the greater one inside of us today. The Lion of Judah inside of us has a greater roar than the one who walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. But, we must daily arm ourselves and not allow any part of our armor to be missing. Ephesians 6:10-18 My final thoughts for positioning for advancement are this: that there is new wine being poured out in these days (Joel 2:28-32; Act 2:17-21) that will require a new wine skin of us individually and corporately in the body of Christ. Old methods and mindsets will not contain the harvest of the third great awakening that we are on the verge of. So, as leaders in the Body of Christ, we need to quickly make this shift in not only preparing ourselves, but in equipping the people of the Body of Christ to position themselves by enlisting in the army of God, dressed for battle and marching forward. The Commander (Jesus) is wanting His church (body) to return to equipping and releasing rather than just sitting and eating. To position ourselves for kingdom advancement there must be an acknowledgement that the Apostolic church is what is needed in this hour. We need generals of the faith who will equip and release people into the harvest field for the ingathering of souls and raising them up to fulfill their God-given destinies. Ephesians 4:11-13 (AMP) I will expound more in the near future on the Apostolic church and the purpose for Apostolic centers.
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